Saturday, August 09, 2003

The upcoming Govenor Recall Election in California greeted it's newest candidate yesterday: Gollum for the "Presious Party".

    [Gollum] proposes to rid California of “nasssty industrial factories” and return the area to its natural state, or a slightly altered version: swampland. He also proposes a new solution to the energy crisis that has plagued the state for some time: “When the yellow face goes down…nasssty lights stay off.” When the problem of the decreasing school budgets arose Gollum merely replied, “Teach them about fisssshesss…” In fact, Gollum would like to see California return to the bartering system, using fish as currency instead of dollars. Representatives of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) could not be reached for comment.

Read the full text here.

Thursday, August 07, 2003

I have randomly heard Sandra Tsing Loh's commentary on NPR's Marketplace over the years, usually while in the car, enroute to a child's music lesson or last minute market run. Today I found the NPR webpage where I can hear all her past commentaries. Too funny. Listen to "Microsoft into the Future" and "The Keebler Elves."

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

This article from the Rocky Mountain News examines the differences in the way boys and girls approach reading. Sounds like lots of boys I know. Early reading skills are often a predictor of success in adulthood. As the new school year opens, it is important to listen to kids talk about WHAT they like to read. It is THEIR reading life.
Noticeable differences in how boys and girls respond to reading and writing assignments in Colorado schools were evident in state test scores released this week. Now researchers are beginning to focus on the boys' reading and writing gaps

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

A very funny comic about life through the eyes of a librarian is, Unshelved. Worth a look even if you are not part of the library world. Bill is apparently a new dad. Very sweet.

Cal Thomas has written an interesting article about Mel Gibson's new film, "The Passion" which will be released during the Easter season next year. Linda Chavez has also now written about the movie.