We hope Margaret is enjoying her week at the Texas Lions Camp. Their website includes pictures and other info. Note the historic link back to the times of polio.
In 1949, the Texas Lions Camp became a legal entity. Since that time, close to 45,000 children have enjoyed the privilege of attending the Texas Lions Camp, at no cost to them or their families.
Located on 504 rolling acres in the Texas Hill Country, the camp was founded 50 years ago when Polio was at epidemic levels, ravaging the lives of countless children. A group of Lions, determined to meet the needs of these children, took action to charter what is now the Texas Lions camp.
Forty children attended the first camping session in 1953 and by the end of that summer, 236 children had attended camp. This year, the camp will hold nine camping sessions and plans to serve nearly 2,000 disabled and diabetic children. These children, sponsored by the Lions Clubs of the State of Texas, come from every part of the state.
With the help of the dedicated men and women of the Texas Lions Clubs for over 46,000 Texas children this dream has become a reality.