Our kind of guy.
It's no secret that President Bush loves peanut butter. For him, it's not a campaign gag as Big Macs were with former President Clinton or pork rinds for Bush's dad. He's such a fan, we learn, that the White House mess puts PB&J samples on tables in the executive cafeteria and delivers at least one to the Oval Office practically every day--and the prez even recommends them to his lunchtime partners. But what's been impossible to find out, until now, is which brand Bush eats. That's because the White House hates to look like it's endorsing any product. Well, after 2 1/2 years of snooping, the Whispers I-Team has the answer: Jif, normally the creamy kind. Why Jif? It's America's favorite and tastes a little sweeter, we're told, than Skippy and Peter Pan. As for the jelly, we have a hint: Smucker's recently bought Jif. None of this surprises previously unaware Jif execs who coined the motto, "Choosy moms choose Jif." Says spokeswoman Brenda Dempsey, "Obviously, choosy presidents choose Jif.
via U.S. News & World Report