Does J.K. Rowling deserve the Nobel Prize for Literature?
James T. Downey, owner of Legacy Art & BookWorks thinks she does. He has started a campaign to alert the Nobel committee of this need.
J.K. Rowling isn't just telling children's stories. She knows full well the power of myth, and is reaching deep into our collective psyche to illuminate fundamental truths about the human condition. Her work isn't popular because of marketing; it is popular because it resonates within each of us. I'll leave the literary analysis to the academics. But I will say that the impact that Ms. Rowling has single-handedly had on the promotion of literacy, of engaging children (and adults) with books again, is without equal since the Nobel Prize was first awarded. If this isn't a "benefit to mankind", as expressed in Alfred Nobel's will establishing the Nobel Foundation, I don't know what is.